Sunday, July 1, 2007

What has happened here???

Egats!!! There are toys all over the floor, my bag is filled with diapers, toys, and cheerios, my peacefull bath in now taked in tepid water and shared with a little girl and 2 yellow rubber 4" men
Instead of reading a book in bed, I walk the halls with a crying baby at night, until she relaxes to sleep.
What happened to my life????
I have never been happier in my entire life.
Hope the photos come through in America.
We spend our days making this little girl happy, and finally yesterday we heard her 1st giggle!
I tickled her under her arm, and a few minutes later she lifted her arm for me to tickle some more. She is really cute. A bit camera shy, so we have not been able to capture all her adorable expressions, which are increasing every day. She really is s a baby still, which is fine with me. I worried before I met her about attachment disorder, and it is recommened to regress you child back to babyhood..... no need to regress this one. She lets me feed here give her a bottle. Although she really does not care for her formula any longer. She eats so much! And cries if she thinks we are leaving the table before she is full.
Here are some new photos!


Uncle John said...

Welcome to parent hood.
Can't wait to hold my niece

emmaco said...

Welcome to parenthood!

Loved seeing the photos... she looks beautiful.

If you think she eats a lot now, her cousin Douglas just got back from McDonald's. Three double cheeseburgers, large fries, large milk shake and he's still hungry.

Elyse said...

Hi Mommy and Daddy,
What a thrill! The photos were in a larger format so they only came through in small pieces, like the top of her head. There's one great shot of her lying down. What a gorgeous girl! Can't wait to meet my god-daughter and spoil her rotten! Love and congratulations to you both, Elyse, Hector, Victoria and the puppies