Friday, June 1, 2007

Here we are.....

My husband asks "Where were we before?" Two years ago we began this process to bring home our daughter from China. Little did we know that the day our application was accepted was the day she was born, September 3, 2005. 120 years before that, my great grandmother at the age of 27 left her father's home and sailed to China to answer her calling as a missionary. She met my great grandfather while traveling on the Yangtzee River. He was immediatly smitten by her charm, devotion to the Lord, and healthy good looks. Two years later he walked 300 miles across the interior of China to marry her. Together they opened a new mission in the town of Cheoo Foo on the North East Coast. I remember my grandmother telling me about her walking with her sisters over the frozen waves at the beach on Chrismas morning. My childhood was filled with stories about China. We read books by Peal S. Buck, and always felt blessed we had plenty of food to eat.
Fast forward to 2007. On March 27th we received our"1st call" from our adoption agency. My hands were shaking and tears flowed down my face as we were told to expect a photo of our daugher in a few days, and be ready to travel to China in early May. Our group was about to go into the "matching room". It is all very mysterious as to the process of matching, but in my heart I knew my Grandmother's spirt was there watching over our daughter to insure she was matched with us. The govenrment of China announced a change in policy as to who may adopt a Chinese born child this year, and this change seems to have slowed down the adoptions quite a bit. We waited, and waited and then learned they were only matching a few applications and we would not be matched until the following month.
May 1st we received our 2nd call, and the package containing our daughters photo and information.


Pionus said...

Paul and D'lee,
A girl!
G is for her gentleness,
her tiny hand's soft touch,

I is for her innocence
that warms your heart so much,

R is for her radiance,
her cute and precious face,

L is for the love
that makes your world
a sweeter place.

You're going to be wonderful parents..because you're already wonderful people!


Amy and Zachary said...

That's a beautiful story!

afrenning said...

Good luck and God bless you both on this trip. I didn't know about your strong family connection to China! Keep us posted as much as you can...


Mark Loves Jesus and Others said...

D'Lee and Paul,
Thanks for sharing your journey with your friends! What an exciting time for you all -- and thanks for letting us know about your family's ties to China. We know several people with the same kind of connection -- it's really special!

Joanne and I will be praying for your safety and success!

Pionus said...

Aloha! You both must be so excited and tired! Can't wait for the pictures! Please post ASAP as soon as you have your little girl, I'm sure we all are waiting with breath held...
Chinese proverb:
One generation plants the trees; another gets the shade.
She will be so happy in your shade....

Pionus said...

Congradulations! It is so nice to read your posts! I found this phrase to say to Ellie when I meet her..
I love you 我愛你 Pronounced like this: o oi lei.

Safe trip....