Sunday, June 24, 2007

Only 2.5 hours until .........

We are indeed strangers in a strange land. Nothing is familiar. The weather is tropical, the language is incomprehensible, the food is peculiar, and you cannot let the water touch your lips ( let alone drink it). Our bed is made of a bed frame with a hard box spring( no matress) and lovely down comforter for a blanket. Luckily yesterday Paul found a German K-mart and bought us a blow up matress to go on top. Now we feel we are sleeping on a "Heavenly bed"! Yet, no matter how strange we feel here, we cannot help wondering how Ellie will feel when she comes to live with us. In less than 3 hours we will arrive at the "Offical State" building along with several other families and receive our children. Leizhou is an 8 hour drive to Guangzhou.(the city we are in now) The caretakers and children all left the orphanage in Leizhou very early this morning. I wonder if Ellie has ever ridden in an automobile before? Has she ever seen a American before? My height seems to be of great interest to the Chinese people, I hope I do not scare her. Paul shaved off his beard yesterday. We have been told to bring food, clothes, diapers, and toys for her. I just packed my first on many "diaper" bags. We realized yesterday that here in the South of China people speak Cantonese.( Not Maderine) Our tape recorder is pnow full of words in Cantonese ( I love you, It's O.K., Good girl) so she can understand us.
Oh, the housekeeping staff just brought a crib in our room. Just 2 more hours now.
2 more hours!

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Thank heaven for global K-Mart!
I am so excited!
Take lots of pictures of the vertically challenged people who keep surrounding you.
Tell Paul Rascal is doing great.
He sleeps on the girls bed every night, his eye is fine, and he got his flea treatment.
She'll be nervous for awhile, until she realizes you're on her side. Then she'll start ruling the world. Give her a hug from us! :-)